Using the add-in – This section explores the features of the add-in and how you can use it to leverage Adobe Sign directly from your Word or PowerPoint client.ģ65 Admins can centrally install the add-in at the tenant level, and control access at the user level if desired.This is done by authenticating to both environments, and only needs to be established one time. Establishing the authenticated connection between Office and Adobe Sign – Once the add-in is enabled, a trust relationship between Microsoft and Adobe Sign must be created.All users should be able to do this without elevated system permissions. Installing/Enabling the add-in on your Office account – The one-time process for enabling the add-in from the 365 store.This document is broken into three parts:
The Adobe Sign add-in allows a user to open any Word or PowerPoint file (5MB or under), and use that file as the basis for a new agreement.